Our national strategic alliance of coaches can leverage a variety of kingdom assets for your community increasing your effectiveness and productivity.

How does City Advance Consulting Work?

Any city gospel movement has its own unique kingdom assets: pastors, marketplace and non-profit leaders, prayer mobilizers, etc. It is the role of catalytic and champion leaders to bring these assets into right relationship and functional alignment. But often a citywide team can get either myopic, or “stuck,” uncertain of next steps. A citywide team can greatly benefit from exposure to fresh ideas and stories. Often, the experience and discernment of a veteran city-reaching practitioner can prove timely and beneficial. Consider the value of a City Advance coach coming alongside your movement, helping give fresh definition and focus to your journey.

Pastor Gary Schmitz | Executive Director
Citywide Prayer Movement | Kansas City, MO

“I know of no other gospel city movement practitioner who has spent more time on-the-ground investing in spiritual leaders across the country and globally, than Tom White. With gifts of leadership and discernment, Tom has mentored our team and helped shape the work of God in Kansas City”