Equipping Leaders for City Transformation


The Sanger Story shows what can happen in any city the featured Community Taskforce which started ten years ago is still meeting twice a month today. Great example of what can happen when people pull together!

Better Together: Community Gospel Movements that WORK (Part 1 of 4) Learn about the Working Genius Model for City Movement Teams.

Pastor Matthew Andersen

Any actions taken by God in the city are bound to have a ripple effect across the globe.

Pastor Timothy Keller

How is a Gospel Movement ignited and sustained?

Tom White, City Advance

Tackling Civic Problems (Part 4 of 6) - “Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline”

Pastor Gabrielle Beam

Centrality, the priority to establish the culture and rhythm of prayer.

Tom White, City Advance

Tackling Civic Problems (Part 3 of 6) - “Finding Ways to Mobilize Love in Your City”

Christian Huang

If we are walking together in covenantal love, there will be push back.

Tom White, City Advance

Hosting a Leaders Prayer Summit?

You can download your own copy of our "Hosting a Leaders Prayer Summit" by Tom White. If you’re being called to host a Leaders Prayer Summit, we highly recommend this resource!