Leaders Prayer Summits
Finding refreshment in God's presence, building collegial friendships, praying into vision to collaboratively reach your community with the good news and deeds of the Gospel.
What is a Leaders Prayer Summit?
We facilitate Psalm 133/John 17 retreats for kingdom-leaders from a specific community or region to connect meaningfully with God and one another. Prayer Summits are Cross-empowered gatherings where leaders are refreshed in worship and prayer that are Christ-centric and Spirit-led. They build bridges of relational trust, and allow the Spirit to stir fresh vision for walking and working together to reach their communities. Summits are effective not only developing deeper trust among leaders. They also provide a core foundation by which a larger vision can be implemented for your city. Coming out of a Summit, a diverse, citywide leadership team is put in place to own and steward an on-going sustainable movement. Our experienced team has facilitated more than 900 of these gatherings around the world since 1990.