Community Taskforces

Convening strategic cross-sector collaboration, resulting in high impact community outcomes.

Our experienced team provides training and equipping in catalyzing a Community Taskforce.

We equip Task Force leaders, training them to convene private, public, faith-based, and social sectors to collaborate around specific goals that seek commonly agreed upon spiritual and societal changes.

The Sanger Community Task Force

The Sanger Story shows what can happen in any city when people pull together. The featured Community Task Force which started ten years ago is still meeting twice a month today. The Task Force has engaged 300 leaders representing 90 agencies who together have found how to leverage community assets bringing about community solutions!

Task Force Outcomes

  • CMDA hosted two free medical and dental clinics with over 160 people served. Every time there is a community event hosted by a Task Force member, the other members support it by attending and participating.

  • There were suicides addressed by the task force and through NAAMI and the school Mental Health team over 90 people have taken classes for awareness, prevention and intervention.

  • Started through the Task Force and now 16 mediators have been trained and the police department is finalizing cases to go to mediation.

  • The Sanger Chamber of Commerce credits the Community Task Force for helping to win a bid to relocate the headquarters of the California State American Legion (88,000 members) to Sanger increasing jobs and added economic growth.

  • The Task Force connected every school to a church in the city.

    The Sanger school district went from bottom 2% in the State to a top ten% school district and won an award for the most improved school district in the US.

  • During the Task Force crime in Sanger dropped 35%.

  • An 11 year old boy started Stand Up and Bee Heard, and has held numerous community-wide events along with funding coming from members of the Task Force.